Thoughts on truths, lies and values after Russia invaded Ukraine


It has been 20 days since Russia invaded Ukraine. I don't know how I feel about how long this war has taken since Russia is supposed to be overwhelmingly stronger than Ukraine. The longer the war lasts, the more people in Ukraine and also Russia would suffer. But I also don't want to see Putin took another country by force overnight and then got away with it. God it's hard.

The world is complex and all sorts of opinions and propaganda make it even harder to understand what's going on. I need to find several sources for information and guidance in order to make sense of what's happening out there everyday. So what are my choices? Prager U, fireside chat most of the time, a right wing media; NY times, the daily most of the time, a left wing media, and Wenzhao, a Chinese commentator on Youtube. It might not be a good idea to indulge oneself to one side, either left or right, so I chose one from each side. The left side call themselves progressives while the right call themselves conservatives. In my opinion, the major difference between these two are: the left are all about equality while the right is all about justice. Since I don't have a firm stance on this, I would like to absorb ideas from both sides. It is very nice to find that both left and right are strongly against Putin's war. It looks like Putin did do a good job on something anyway: bringing the polarized American people together, which was regarded impossible a few weeks ago. What saddens me is that an awful lot of Chinese people are cheering Putin on the internet. Some of us were joking about providing shelters for Ukrainians,  young girls only. I guess some of us just didn't evolve at the same pace or in the same direction. No wonder our reputation is getting worse and worse nowadays world wide. 

I would like to try to make myself heard, however unnoticeable my voice is: I condemn Putin's invasion to Ukraine and I hope the rest of the world could work together to stop him, hopefully economic sanctions would suffice. I also hope Russians who are against this war could stand up for what you believe in. As for the nasty comments some Chinese made, I am personally ashamed and they do indicate we got some trash among us. As for how many of us are like that, I don't know because we don't have a free environment to express what we believe here and all the platforms are heavily censored. Those people who are pulling the strings behind the scene would amplify a certain type of options and suppress others.

Finally, I hope this war is not a preface to a series of wars. We had our lessons.


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